Ps Josh - Acts of the Holy Spirit | GLM

main scriptures: luke 24:45 - 53; acts 1:1-9


  1. if jesus needed holy spirit for life & ministry, so do we.

  2. holy spirit is a person to be experienced, not theologised.

  3. when holy spirit comes on us, we go to the world.


Is there any part of your life where you need to ask Holy Spirit to move?


When we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, he transforms, indwells and outpours from us. It is through the Holy Spirit in us that Jesus is still ministering today.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —acts 1:8

malaga hub

may 5, 2024


Ps Josh - Acts 1: Wait for the Promise | GLM


Ps Alex - Stretch your faith | GLM