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Connect Groups

God has called us to a continuous lifestyle of worship and relationship with Himself, which is nurtured within the body of Christ. Our Connect Groups Ministry is an integral means for this to take place, where Christ-centered care and connection is cultivated, and we embody the mission of GraceLife. Our Connect Groups comprise two ministries: Life Groups and Interest groups.



Have you been baptised yet?!
Water Baptisms are a key part of the journey of following Jesus, as we make a public declaration of our faith in Him! If you'd like to be baptised, put your name down at one of our campuses or email us:

DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING (formerly ‘courses’)

Why do we do Discipleship Training at GraceLife?

Part of the responsibility of this community is to equip each one of us for the work of the ministry that God has given to us (Ephesians 4: 11-13). One way that we undertake to fulfil this is through teaching and training, using courses designed to disciple us in many vital areas of our lives.

Who are these training opportunities for?

Everyone!! Who doesn’t need to grow in some area in their life?

Prayerfully consider which of the following courses would help and encourage you to work with God for change, growth, healing, and maturity this year.  But also think about family, friends and workmates who may also benefit and encourage them to come. 

All are welcome.

How do I get involved?

To apply for any of these trainings, complete an application form, make your payment, and submit the form and receipt at reception or place it in the giving box on the wall at the Malaga or Ellenbrook campus auditorium. For payments online, please make the payment and print the receipt to attach (Please note that this is subject to the Discipleship Training schedule - for a list of the currently planned trainings, click HERE)

If the cost of any of these courses will make it difficult for you to attend, please see Alison. For any further information, contact Alison at