“…And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” (Acts 2:43-45) Radical New Testament generosity is clearly a mark of the Holy Spirit at work. When the awe of God comes upon us, His Spirit compels us to live and give extravagantly - it’s a natural on-flow!

Society today is plagued with relational separation, social isolation and cultural degradation. But God has purposefully planted and appointed us at this unique point in history to boldly bring the solution. He’s sovereignly graced us to bring the reality of His power and presence to our “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the world”. And this is what our FAITH OFFERING is all about… asking His Spirit to inspire and propel us into worshipful action, by generously raising financial resource to reach out, raise up and release into the world.

Each year our Faith Offering facilitates critical endeavours like local emergency care & relief, and equally-important foreign initiatives like missions outreach and church planting. On Sun Aug 4 we’re celebrating again, and we invite anyone & everyone with a willing heart to come with faith to raise a great offering that will glorify Him and bless many.

Our Perth congregations will be meeting together for an all-in family service at 10am at our Malaga hub. It’ll be a monumental day so come early & ready, and stay around afterwards for some food and fellowship!

Whether you’re young or old, have a little or a lot, let’s all ask God’s Spirit to direct and empower us to give joyfully, gratefully and generously!

“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Jesus - Acts 20:35)

FAITH GOAL: $115k+








Community Projects

Local Food Distribution

SURPLUS - over $115k

Zambia land & Infrastructure

Other Needs as They Arise

How to give


Please include in an envelope

marked with "FAITH"


GraceLife Church

BSB: 086 006

ACC: 16-363-8623

Description: FAITH


(via Card)

Information desk