Sermon podcasts from Ellenbrook (GLE and Malaga (GLM)

Sermons shared in Ellenbrook - GLE

Sermons shared in Malaga - GLM

Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Acts 8: Is God really in control? | GLM

main scripture: acts 7:54-60; acts 8:1-8


  1. no one is beyond the reach of god…no one

  2. god uses persecution to mobilise mission

  3. god knows what he’s doing…even if we don’t


What are you living for today?

What is your mission?


We may not understand why there is affliction or difficulties as we continue to obey the Great Commission. But be encouraged that Jesus experienced all of this first. Be encouraged that God is right there with us when we experience affliction because of His Name. Let us continue to trust that God is in control even when things seem to go out of control.

malaga hub

june 30, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Alison P - Acts 7: Stephen - Firsts for a Faithful Disciple | GLM

main scripture: acts 6:8 - Acts 7:1-60


  1. First time the working of miracles is recorded by someone other than the apostles

  2. first time the preaching of the gospel is recorded by someone other than the apostles

  3. first time someone is put to death or martyred for their faith in jesus christ


Can we share the Gospel from the body of Scripture like Peter and Stephen?

Are we faithful witnesses of Jesus?

What are people reading from our lives?

Do we have the testimony of Jesus on our lips?


Stephen was such a great example for us. He was simply a person who loved Jesus and walked with Him. We invite you to sit with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to show you how you can become a faithful witness of Jesus like Stephen was.

malaga hub

june 23, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Brett G - Acts 6: The Problem versus The Imperative

main scripture: Acts 6:1-7


  1. the problem

  2. solving the problem

    1. of good reputation

    2. full of the holy spirit

    3. wisdom

  3. the imperative


How can you intentionally build God’s Kingdom where you are?


There will always be problems that arise in church community because it is filled with people who have problems. Be encouraged to focus on the imperative, which is preaching the Word of God, and let’s be diligent in the fields that God has called us to work in.

Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,

whom we may appoint over this business;

--Acts 6:2-3

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Darren G - Acts 5: A corpse, a couch and a shadow | GLM

main scripture: acts 5:1-11


  1. a pretentious heart

  2. a presumptuous heart

  3. a polluted church

  4. a purified church (progressive and powerful)


What kind of shadow are you casting?


The prosperity of the Church consisted of 2 things - They multiplied and were edified

This happened because the Church kept their activities about Jesus.

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. - Acts 5:42

malaga hub

june 9, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Ross - Acts 4: Confidence, Courage and Boldness | GLM

main scripture: acts 4


  1. the evidence of the holy spirit

  2. the disciple’s prayer


In what areas of your life can you be confident, courageous and bold through the Holy Spirit?


The fear of man holds us back from living confidently, courageously and boldly. Be encouraged that when you speak out boldly, you are already fulfilling Jesus’ command, to be and make discuples in His Name. It is the Holy Spirit who saves while we sow the seeds.

“And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

--Acts 4:29-31

malaga hub

june 2, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Brett G - Acts 3: Naturally Walking Supernaturally | GLM

main scripture: acts 3:1-11


  1. walking with purpose

  2. walking supernaturally

  3. walking naturally supernatural


How can you start walking naturally in the supernatural this coming week?


It was a normal day when Peter and John went to the temple for prayer. But because they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were naturally walking supernaturally which resulted in the healing of the lame man. As we continue to deepen our relationship with God, may we walk where He leads us and move supernaturally in our day to day lives all for His glory! Amen.

But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.

--Acts 3:6-8

malaga hub

may 26, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Acts 2: Divine Power of Holy Spirit | GLM

main scripture: acts 2


  1. extraordinary occurences and expected opposition

  2. unflinching courage and unshakeable conviction

  3. divine repentance and deep reverence


Is there sin that you are not aware of in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this to you and lead you into repentance.


Being filled with the Spirit, we become conduits of God’s divine power and Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth. Let us continue to ask Holy Spirit to lead us in repentance and fill us afresh as we obey the Great Commission.

Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

--Acts 2:37-38

malaga hub

may 19, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Acts 1: Wait for the Promise | GLM

main scripture: Acts 1:1-11


  1. it’s not more information you need, it’s fresh impartation.

  2. there’s a purpose for the promise and it’s not your prestige.

  3. when jesus speaks, take action. He’ll be back soon!


What has Jesus spoken to you?

Are you just standing there looking at the clouds instead of doing what He has told you to do?

How can we wait in faith?


As we wait for Jesus’ return, let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and to be His witness wherever He has planted us. Only when we lean on the Holy Spirit are we able to become an effective witness for Christ.

And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven. —acts 1:10-11

malaga hub

may 12, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Acts of the Holy Spirit | GLM

main scriptures: luke 24:45 - 53; acts 1:1-9


  1. if jesus needed holy spirit for life & ministry, so do we.

  2. holy spirit is a person to be experienced, not theologised.

  3. when holy spirit comes on us, we go to the world.


Is there any part of your life where you need to ask Holy Spirit to move?


When we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, he transforms, indwells and outpours from us. It is through the Holy Spirit in us that Jesus is still ministering today.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —acts 1:8

malaga hub

may 5, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Alex M - Stretch your faith | GLM

main scripture: Matthew 14:22-33


  1. Be Courageous

  2. Concentrate on Jesus

  3. Be Committed


How can I be courageous, keep my focus on Jesus and be committed to Him when I’m faced with the challenges of life?


Stretching our faith in times of difficulty requires courage, concentration and commitment. Every time we take the opportunity to stretch our faith, we make the space for God to move powerfully in our lives.

But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

--Matthew 14:27

malaga hub

april 28, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps David H - The Manifest Glory of God | GLM

main scripture: john 2:1-12

The perfect conditions for the manifest glory of God:

  1. An invitation

  2. A problem

  3. A voice

  4. A container

  5. A drawer/one who draws

  6. A wine maker


Is there any part of your life that you need to invite Jesus into?


Inviting Jesus into every part of our lives is the best solution or remedy available to us. He is more than able to make miracles happen for His glory. So let us ask Him and have faith that He will manifest His glory in our lives.

When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” —john 2:9-10

malaga hub

april 21, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Darren G - Coming Soon | GLM

main scripture: revelations 22:7, 12-13, 20-21

  • jesus’ coming is:

  1. comforting

  2. calming

  3. controlling

  4. cleansing

  • because christ is coming back, we need to:

  1. be biblically literate

  2. be abounding in service to jesus

  3. draw from his grace

  • god’s grace:

  1. enables

  2. energises

  3. is everlasting

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Make a Stand | GLM

main scripture: matthew 10:16-32


  1. the truth will always come out - never let fear muzzle you

  2. the worst they can do is kill you - put things into perspective

  3. jesus has your back - decide today what you’ll stand for.. eternity remembers


Is your fear of man greater than your fear of God?

What’s stopping us from standing and declaring what we know to be true?


Let us make a stand for Jesus and be vocal with what He has told us. Let us draw courage that the Holy Spirit is with us and that He will give us the words to say.

What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

—Matthew 10:27-28

malaga hub

april 7, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Brett G - Resurrection Day, Resurrection Life | GLM

scripture: 1 peter 1:3-5


  1. the resurrecting god

  2. the resurrection and the justification

  3. resurrection life


Have you been born again?

Are you living the Resurrection Life in Jesus?


We have living hope because the God we believe in is alive today! Death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus. Just as Jesus was resurrected, we shall all be resurrected into eternal life.

But we don’t have to wait until our death bed to live a Resurrection Life because we serve a God who resurrects every aspect of our lives.

malaga hub

march 31, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - How Sin Creeps In | GLM

scriptures: galatians 5:16-24, 1 john 2:15-17, genesis 3:6, Luke 4:1-13

how does the enemy seduce us away from god?


  1. who am i? - be unquestionable in the depth of your identity

  2. what do i believe? - Be uncompromising in your conviction to god’s word

  3. who will i serve? - be unshakable in your allegiance to loving obedience


If you can draw a pie chart of your heart, how much of your heart is filled with the Father’s love compared to the love of this world?


Be mindful of the opportune times in your life. In your times of weakness, that is mostly likely when the enemy will come and to tempt, to deceive and to destroy you. He will tempt you with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.

But take heart, Jesus has extended forgiveness by his sacrifice on the cross. Remember that our sins are paid in full in Jesus’ Name!

malaga hub

march 24, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Fade the crowd | GLE

Main scripture: Mark 14:3-10 (esv)


  1. let love lead you - nonsense makes the best sense

  2. fade the crowd - there will always be critics

  3. guard your heart - god lifts up those who are bowed down

ellenbrook hub

march 3, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Jeff - 2024: The Year of the Open Door | GLM

main scripture: 1 corinthians 12:1-11

stewardship is the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.

fathering (verb) is the parenting and responsibility of the male role model in raising a child.


Have you received a prophetic word from God? What did you do with it?


A prophecy is an open door to lead you where God wants you to be. Let us steward God’s prophecy over our lives and use our gifts to further God’s kingdom on earth. Let us also father others as they walk in the way that God is calling them.

A “God encounter” can change your heart, but it will take humility and a community to keep you going in the correct direction.

malaga hub

march 17, 2024

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Media GraceLife Media GraceLife

Ps Josh F - Desperate Times… | GLM

main scripture: matthew 15:21-28


  1. Don’t misinterpret God’s silence

  2. Make desperation your friend

  3. Plant your faith in humility & Boldness

reflection: Have you ever found yourself coming to Jesus in desperation and not hearing a word?


Desperation is an unhealthy place to be but be encouraged that we have a choice to whom we go to. Let’s cast our cares to Jesus and diligently seek His help in faith, humility & boldness.

But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.” —Matthew 15:25-27

malaga hub

March 10, 2024

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